HSX MarketStreet

Design concepts for HealthShare Exchange's MarketStreet — a new and invaluable resource for innovators and companies that want to take advantage of healthcare data for consumer interfaces.

HealthShare Exchange (HSX) needed designs for their multi-sided MarketStreet platform that both complemented existing HSX branding and stood out as its own unique identity. The result was a sleek, stylized, approachable website that encourages site visitors to join the API sandbox and innovate with the MarketStreet team. Deliverables for this project included several rounds of Photoshop design mockups and a website built and themed in Drupal 8.

This project was done in collaboration with Rock River Star.

Web Design,
Front-End Development

Photoshop, Drupal 8

Nonprofit, Healthcare

Project Date
November 2018

Project Type

HSX MarketStreet Homepage displayed on a iMac Pro screen. A screencapture of the HSX Marketstreet Sandbox Patients HSX Marketstreet being displayed on both a laptop and iphone screen while a site visitor navigates the page. A display of the HSX Marketstreet Website in two flat browsers.

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